

Revised HHCAHPS Survey XML Data File Layouts Available with Race Reordered Response Options
folder_openData Submissionscalendar_todayPosted August 3, 2023

The Data Submission Resources webpage has been updated to include the revised Standard and DSRS XML data file layouts for use beginning with the Q3, 2023 data submission period.  These revised files are available under the “Planned Files” header.

The <race> data elements (corresponding to Question 31) in these XML data file layouts have been reordered to match the new order of the response categories for this survey question (i.e., alphabetical order). Since the race question is select-all-that-apply, the valid values remain the same; however, the order in which they appear in the file layout document for XML file generation has changed.

Reminder: As previously announced, HHCAHPS Survey vendors are required to begin implementing questionnaires and CATI scripts with the reordered race categories starting with the July 2023 sample month.

Please contact the HHCAHPS Survey Coordination Team via email at or call toll-free at (866) 354-0985 if you have any questions.